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The Assent (2019) – Horror Movie Review

The Assent was released in 2019 and tells the story of a young boy’s exorcism. This horror movie has a different twist then most. In the opening scene a young boy is shown going through an exorcism and the narrator explains being possessed has three stages, “Presence, Affliction and Assent”. The boy receiving the exorcism died and the priest performing the ritual was sent to prison.

the assent

Father Michael picked up father Lambert from where he had been imprisoned and drove them to his home. Instead of father Lambert settling into his new abode, the father getting ready to do battle with the evil spirit, who moved on from the deceased boy to another person. Father Michael reminds the older Priest the Roman Catholic Church has him under suspension and not authorized to conduct any services, especially exorcisms. Father Lambert pays no heed and plans the ritual he needs to do when he finds the possessed person.

Cassie a babysitter goes to the priest’s home and tells of her concern about the child Mason. Cassie to is leaving to go to college in a different state and is worried. She tells of changes in Mason’s behavior and fears the boy may be possessed. The viewer is informed Mason’s father Joel is a schizophrenic and had lost his wife in a car accident. Joel and Mason live in a large old house in a rural area which was left to them by Joel’s deceased wife.

The decorations in the home are mostly made by Joel who sculpts very frightening art made with bones. Paintings are visibly disturbing. Joel’s psychiatrist, Doctor Maya sees her patient both in her office and does home visits. Maya is trying to help Joel keep custody of his son whereas the state wants custody due to the father’s mental condition, lack of adequate steady employment and the loss of his babysitter.

Father Michael, father Lambert along with a Doctor Hawkins goes to the home where Cassie had babysat for Mason. Doctor Hawkins is licensed by the Church to take care of the health of a person who is having an exorcism. In this case, Doctor Hawkins is helping the priests without the blessing and knowledge of the church.

Father Lambert upon meeting Joel tells him about the three stages of possession and convinces Joel that his son does not have schizophrenia like he does. The priest tells Joel, Mason is in the first stage of possession. Joel allows the priests and Doctor to do an exorcism.

Unlike many other thriller films, objects do not continually fly through the air and hurt anyone, the bed does not rise off the floor and insects do not infiltrate the house. There is one scene which shows Mason vomiting on father Michael and the vomit contains material which is not found in a person’s digestive track or stomach. In another scene, Mason speaks in Latin.

Throughout this movie, Joel hears voices, sees visions and other evil manifestations. It leaves the viewer to decide whether it is his schizophrenia, or these effects are truly happening. No one in the house saw what Joel has seen.
While the exorcism is occurring, Doctor Maya shows up to check on Joel and Mason. Maya tells Joel his custody battle will be lost if he does not get rid of the Priests and stop the exorcism. She turns out to be more than a psychiatrist, she is part of the dark side and wants the exorcism to be stopped. The doctor wants Joel to trust her and to surrender.

Ten years later, Mason is living with Dr. Maya and Joel is living in his house. There are so many twists and turns, in this movie. THE ASSENT seems like a jumbled horror movie taken from other thrillers. This horror movie is not the best but not the worst either.

the assent